Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Most people are not aware of the abilities Promo- tional Marketing and Specialty Advertising have to promote their business. Specialty advertising is not just about providing "give aways" to your customers and prospects. It has more applications and distribution methods than any other media.
Newspaper advertising can only be printed and sold to the public and lasts at best a couple days. Radio and television is only good for the time the announcer will broadcast your message and its only benefit is from repetition.
However, specialty advertising provides signs that are exhibited the year round, because of their utility. They also have a wide array applications according to the marketing need a business has and the marketing and distribution plan that is created. For those of you who want to control advertising spending through Guerilla Marketing specialty advertising lends itself well to supporting such marketing efforts.
It is my hope that through this newsletter and future issues I can illustrate how we can serve you best. To thing to remember is my job is not to just sell you something but to consult you on ways you can best get and keep your name in front of the customers you most need to serve.
It is particularly important that our marketing efforts are well planned and focused during this recessionary period and as conditions improve, so we can reclaim the market that has been weaken by these economic conditions.


Steve Farrington